Sunday, August 29, 2010

Back to normality?

After a week when the chook died (RIP Myrtle)..... the dog nearly died (get well soon Milo) and I felt like death, due to a nasty virus, I am glad to say that things seem to (at long last) be getting back to normal.
I have no plans to submit to any further exhibitions this yearafter having all six of my works rejected from the upcoming Battle contemporary fine art fair :-(
I am instead concentrating on attracting some commissioned work in the lead up to Christmas, I have finished one JRT commission and am working on a second........... both in pastels and both to be revealed at a later date.
In an attempt to make my art pay in 2011 I am trying one last time to get to grips with acrylics.
I am experimenting with some new interactive paints that I hope will cure my phobia of this lovely clean and practical would be very handy (and economical) to offer paintings that need no framing and can be sent off with greatly reduced packaging costs.


Jan said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your paintings being rejected. I don't understand it as you're so talented - it makes you wonder what's in the mind of those judges!

Please let us know how you get on with the Interactive acrylics. I bought some Golden Open acrylics quite some time ago and do like to use those as they stay wet much longer than the regular acrylics. Sure makes blending a whole lot easier.

I wish you all the commissions you want - you deserve it!

pett paintings said...

Thank you Jan, I will keep you informed of any progress with the acrylics, I am certainly liking them better with the increased capacity for blending......... but have a long way to go before they become a preferred medium (I do so love my pastels)