Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Summer exhibitions

I apologise for the recent lack of input (life has thrown me a few curved balls of late)

At the time of writing I am battling against an untimely attack of shingles and suffering from the effects of the medication more than the illness!

I have kept myself busy getting paintings ready for several local summer exhibitions and am hoping for some luck in one or two juried shows.

I was disappointed to learn that my painting "security" didn't make the grade for the Society of Equestrian Artists exhibition but "you can't win 'em all" as they say, so onward and upward with fingers crossed for next year ;-)

This weekend brings the annual exhibition in aid of the local hospice and as usual I will have a few works on sale there so hopefully I will be feeling better and able to pay a visit.

Meanwhile the painting above is one I completed this week during my enforced confinement, it is a local scene currently festooned with beautiful wild poppies, great for a first outing for some of my lesser used pastels.


Unknown said...

LOVE the poppy field!! said...

Hope you are feeling better soon Kay, I love this painting, so evocative of summer , beautiful! and wishing you luck for the exhibitions

Jilly said...

Hi Kay!
Sorry to hear that you've been ill. Just had to comment on this piece as it's so atmospheric. I used to live in your neck of the woods and this reminds me of the lovely East Sussex countryside just after summer rain. It's very beautiful...

Take care


pett paintings said...

Thank you ladies xx, I am feeling a lot better now that my stomach has stopped fighting the meds, halfway through the course now so should be up and running for the weekend:)
Glad you all like the poppies, been meaning to get out there and paint them for years........ they are a fleeting beauty!

Sue Clinker said...

Beautiful Kay.

Its been a really good year for poppies hasn't it? My garden is full of them - lots of double pinks as well (I didn't plant any of them - they just appeared this year) ;O)

Sorry to hear about your health problems and hope you're feeling much better now.

Jan said...

This is such a gorgeous painting - probably a favorite of yours for me!

Hope you're feeling better. My parents had shingles and I know they can be very painful.