Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Mini No5 destined for e-bay

This is the latest little painting destined for auction on e-bay, this method of working is providing a good way to test run ideas for larger paintings in the future so I thought I would run through the hundreds of ref photos that I had stored on my old PC .....ony to find that they have all somehow been wiped!......oh well I'm sure theres a lesson there somewhere (have been slipping on the "back ups" this year) note to Santa ..."external hard drive please" :-)


Sue Clinker said...

Thats unusual and very effective Kay .. should go down well with working dog folks - or labbie owners in general.

Hope the eBay idea works out well

Jan said...

It's a sweet painting and I'm sure it will sell quickly.

What a bummer about losing the photos on your hard drive! I do back up frequently but sometimes the cds/dvds end up messed up. I say go get that external hard drive right now and don't wait for Christmas!

pett paintings said...

Thank you both :-)
Bizarrely my pc sparked up as normal today and everything was just where it used to be? I have no idea how or why but am so glad to see the return of all my best ref photos :-)
Off to sort out that external hard drive!