Wednesday, June 29, 2011

"Doggie Doodles": Flaming June

"Doggie Doodles": Flaming June

Flaming June

Hi all, its been a tough few weeks health wise for me so the blog has been sadly neglected (along with lots of other things)

But excuses over I think I am back on track and my head is buzzing with ideas that need to be turned into art (as usual) so the summer should be a productive time, as always I have a few local summer art exhibitions to submit work to and I am working on a slow but steady flow of commissions too.

On a personal level we are busy again trying to think of names for a boy!

Here are some a couple of random, recent attempts at artwork to keep the picture hungry at bay.....hope you like them......back soon with more :-)

At the top is the finally complete graphite dawing of our dog "Kimba" this one has taken ages as it was always on the back burner while other work took priority so I am happy to be able to post it here at long last! On the left is a work in progress graphite drawing of my niece "Abigail" who I have often attempted to portray but just never seem to get "quite right" this one is heading in the right direction though so I am hopeful it will come good with a little more tweaking.And finally our puss "Maggie" painted in pastel, very inconvieniently she decided to sit like this in my studio window one morning while I should have been working on another painting.....however her pose was just too tempting and she stayed put for long enough to get the basics down so it just had to be done!

I took a back up photograph for good measure which I used to refer to when she inevitably spotted some birds outside and sloped off!
Thank you for looking.........come back soon xx