Well its about time I caught up with this blog as it's been seriously neglected for far too long!
following my last blog in 2007 I did get accepted by Battle arts group summer exhibition and sold four of the five paintings I submitted which was a fantastic boost for my flagging morale.
by the end of the year I was thrilled to have accepted a handful of commissions via my website and I started 2008 in a positive mood with a steady flow of pet prtrait commissions in the order book.
I served on the East Sussex Arts Club committee as the exhibition secretary throughout 2008 and was proud to organise the annual exhibition throughout May which was a well attended event where a total of ten sales made a welcome change of fortune for the club and helped in raising it's local profile.
As in previous years I helped organise the St Michaels hospice art exhibition and again although sales were down slightly it was an enjoyable and successful event.
I booked a stall at the local Blue Cross open day and dog show and exhibited a selection of my animal related portraits and a prize draw for a pet portrait raised £70 for the centre the winner unfortunately failed to claim their prize.
2008 continued to bring new commissions as my website visitor stats increased and between september and Christmas I worked flat out to complete orders in time for festive gifts.